Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Increasing Cost Of College Or University s Tuition

I. Introduction The increasing cost of college or university’s tuition is a concern that resonates with many people in today’s world. With the amount of money being spent on education, students want the least amount of complications while completing their education and are more select when choosing courses. This also includes the avoidance of incompetent or lackadaisical professors. A tool that can be used to potentially help students avoid this issue is available on the World Wide Web, the evaluation of faculty teaching by students (Otto et al., 2008). Student evaluation of teaching (SET) has come to be a very prominent measure of teaching effectiveness, and often, a major consideration for merit at most institutions of higher education (Otto et al., 2008). Students not only are able to obtain information on future professors, but the professors also can see how students are reviewing them. The most popular site for online faculty rating is (Otto et al., 2008). Stu dents can use this site to make decisions on what classes to take with what professor, based upon ratings on Rate My Professor. Is this site really depicting the right information about professors, or is it merely a review or a teacher’s personality? Rate My Professor isn t the only teacher-rating website, but it s by far the most popular, attracting an average of 3 million students a month and as many as 80 million page views at the height of registration periods (Otto et al., 2008). FromShow MoreRelatedIs College Still A Good Investment?958 Words   |  4 PagesIn Does College Still Pay, Lisa Barrow explores that even though the college tuition costs are increasing rapidly, is college still a good investment. Barrow states that college still worth wild and there is no evidence of a downward trend to students attending college due to increasing college tuition. 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