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Summary Of The Truth About Stories - 739 Words

Divya Gupta 655284511 Dr. Paul Watkins ENG 115 October 10, 2017 A Short Essay on â€Å"The Truth About Stories† Title-Creation of a Wonderful World â€Å"The Truth About Stories is that that’s all we are†.(King 2003,p. 2).Stories have a great importance as they make people more joyous and creative. Stories let the narrator to speak but he is not really the one who is speaking. The narrator retells the stories in merely same language but totally in different tone. These stories improve ones belief towards life. The narrator interacts with the listener through†¦show more content†¦Suddenly, a women fell from the sky who was crazy and prying. She was so curious about everything that each time she looked into something, she could imagine why does it happened, where did it came from and how. One day, she went into the river where she found many companions. And she was the one whom we call ‘Charm’. She was pregnant and reproduced two twins. One a girl and the another a boy. The twins created deep valleys, mountains, forests, rivers , roses, etc. And this way the summer and winter was created by both of them. When Charm looked around, she saw a beautiful world. In the beginning God created the earth and heaven. Then he created day and night, sun and moon and at last, he created humans. First man and then woman known as Adam and Eve. †And he places everything and everyone in a garden, a perfect world. No sickness, no death, no hate, no hunger†(King 2003,p. 21). But there was one rule, of every tree of a garden there was some nuts and fruits, but none of them was supposed to eat anything. But next what happens is that Adam and Eve breaks the rule. Eve takes a bite of an apple and brings it back for Adam to eat. Adam instead of saying no, ate it. As soon as the rule has been broken, â€Å"God seals it off and places an angel with a fiery sword at the entrance and tosses Adam and Eve into a howling wilderness to fend for themselves, a wilderness in which sickness and death, hate and hunger are their constant compan ions†(King 2003,p. 22). ItShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Things They Carried Literary Analysis764 Words   |  4 PagesThe Things They Carried: Metafiction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tim O’Brien brings the characters and stories to life in The Things They Carried. He uses a writing style that brings stories to life by posing questions between the relationship of reality and fiction (Calloway 249). This is called metafiction and it exposes the truth through the literary experience. 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